Promises, Promises

Whenever someone – whether a close friend or new business acquaintance- discovers my background is in public relations and marketing, the questions start to fly:

  • How do I get an article in the local paper about my business?
  • I want to be a speaker at an upcoming conference. How?
  • My brochure doesn’t effectively communicate with my customers. Any suggestions?
Here’s my promise to you: I am going to point you in the right direction right here in my blog. Whether you are a struggling artist trying to connect your craft with just the right owner who will put your gorgeous masterpiece in the perfect spot in their home, or you are the top-dog at your company wondering why the daily paper in your hometown isn’t calling you for quotes, I promise to offer advice you’ll pay top dollar for at a high-flying agency. I’m not knocking the agencies, because there’s a lot of creative and branding genius in most public relations agencies. But let’s face it, not everyone can afford to pay a top-notch agency.

So grab a pen and paper, and answer this question:

What is so great about your business? Yeah? What else? Top quality service doesn’t count – you have to come up with something else. If you are stumped, start asking your dedicated customers … they’ll give you the skinny on what makes you so special that they keep coming back for more.

We'll take this information and use it to your advantage in upcoming posts.

Be back soon, I promise - AMD

But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep. Robert Frost

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