Um …. “yes, please!”
Before the park opened, we were taken on a private tour of
the entire park on the
Disney World Trolley.
Disney World Trolley.

Eventually we landed in a completely deserted Toontown. It was quite deluxe for the girls to wander around without dodging a horde of sticky toddlers trying to serve Minnie Mouse tea with honey.

After a while, our
usher herded us outside and told us to cover our eyes. When she shouted “SURPRISE,”
the entire cast of Disney characters began to file out of the Toontown houses. 
Every character from Snow White to Goofy came and hugged the girls and told them we were all in store for a great time.
Then the whole bunch of us clambered onto the Walt Disney World Railroad for a private ride to the ultimate destination: the Opening Ceremony at Cinderella’s Castle.

Every character from Snow White to Goofy came and hugged the girls and told them we were all in store for a great time.

Then the whole bunch of us clambered onto the Walt Disney World Railroad for a private ride to the ultimate destination: the Opening Ceremony at Cinderella’s Castle.

Mickey Mouse tried to make polite conversation during the
ride, which was amusing because Mickey Mouse doesn’t have a functioning mouth.
There was lots of gesturing and nodding, and when Mickey discovered my husband
had just completed a race in which he swam 1.2 miles, biked 56 and ran 13.1, he
made the international sign for “you’re nuts!” I spent the remainder of the
trip asking my husband what it felt like being called crazy by a giant cartoon
character with massive ears, a yellow bow-tie, and no ability to speak.
Once we arrived at Cinderella’s Castle, we joined the
characters in throwing confetti to the crowd, took some more pictures, then bid
farewell to the characters. My then six-year-old was shocked other families had
to stand in line to ask the characters for their autographs. A Disney Snob was

Since our extraordinary experience, I’ve been asked
approximately one zillion times “How were you chosen as Family of the Day?” My
response is always “dumb luck,” but I do think there are a few things you can
do to increase your chances of being Family of the Day at Disney World.
Come back this Thursday for my tips on how to be chosen Walt Disney World Magic Kingdom's Family of the Day! (In the meantime, I'll be ill regarding how much my children have grown. How does this happen so fast?)
Come back this Thursday for my tips on how to be chosen Walt Disney World Magic Kingdom's Family of the Day! (In the meantime, I'll be ill regarding how much my children have grown. How does this happen so fast?)

Secret Disney Weapon: Call Jane. She knows all the Disney tricks: how to save a
bundle, where to stay, what days to hit which parks … basically, how to have a
delightful Disney vacation without taking out a second mortgage. AND HER SERVICE IS FREE. Jane’s an Authorized Disney Vacation Planner, which means she has the
inside track on helping people like us make the most of our Disney trip.
Contact her at PS—I promise to always give you a
heads-up if I am being paid for a review or endorsement, and THIS IS NOT ONE OF
How am I the first comment on this entry?! This is the most amazing thing I've ever heard of...Disney World Family of the Day...are you kidding me? We haven't even taken our kids to Disney World AT ALL, much less learned the inside tricks to becoming Disney Family of the Day! Please tell all!!
That's nice. Anyway, I'm happy to bring my two kids to experience Disneyland. Try to watch this one too Flower Garden Festival
I am in tears with excitement and determination for my trip in October. I hope to be picked also! !!!
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