It’s what we refer to as “The Season” around here, and by that I mean there are three birthdays in our family to be celebrated, an annual Halloween party, SEC football games at which to tailgate and (hopefully) celebrate wins, a couple of autumn road trips – all culminating with The Thanksgiving Meal for around 30 people at our home. Don’t even mention Christmas.
As “The Season” kicks in, my thoughts turn to creative packaging, and not just for birthday invitations like this sleeping bag invite I created for my seven-year-old’s sleepover party.
As “The Season” kicks in, my thoughts turn to creative packaging, and not just for birthday invitations like this sleeping bag invite I created for my seven-year-old’s sleepover party.
You might be surprised how much a tasteful, eye-catching and creative marketing piece – whether it’s a sales kit, direct mail postcard or business card – can open doors. You might also be surprised how quickly doors will shut if you present a less-than-professional calling card. Worse yet, that nobody may even notice you’re knocking.
My husband, a marketing director for one of the big consumer package goods companies, had this advice for one of my clients who was deciding whether to invest in a high-quality sales kit: “If you don’t have a sales kit that convinces us you will get the product done right and on time, you won’t even score a meeting.”
My advice to clients is to invest in high-quality marketing pieces designed by a professional graphic designer. It immediately sets the tone that you are professional, invested in the success of your business, and reliable. Of course, the substance behind your marketing pieces is what truly makes your business a success, but your return on investment for excellence in marketing collateral will be worth the upfront expense.
Let the games (and birthdays, and travels, and holidays) begin!
“Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It's not a day when you lounge around doing nothing; it's when you've had everything to do, and you've done it.” - Lord Acton
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